Kotlyarov E. Y.*,
Finchenko V. S.
Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, , Khimki, Moscow region, Russia
*e-mail: evgeny-1@list.ru
The article describes a method for thermal mathematical models building for the spacecraftoriented subsystems and their application for the design works accomplishing and following. They can be employed as well for selecting the spacecraft thermal control systems units and spacecraft thermal mode ensuring systems units with necessary characteristics, and setting up experiments with constituent parts of the system and the system as a whole in both intermediate and final versions. Various engineering techniques, including specially adapted, for thermo-technical computing and testing of the devices already incorporated or planned for application in the selected subsystem are being employed while the said method realization.
thermal mathematical model, comprehensive experiment, heat transfer unit, loop heat pipe, gas-liquid heat exchanger, Peltier element, mechanically pumped fluid loop, computational experiment
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