Experimental and theoretical study of the spatial distribution of irradiance created by the infrared irradiator IET-29 under conditions of heat-vacuum testing of space equipment products


Yashchenko B. Y.

Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia


The work is devoted to experimental and theoretical studies of the distribution of surface power density of thermal radiation from the thermal radiation module of IET-29 type used for simulation of external thermal impact during thermal vacuum testing of space technology products. According to the results of experimental studies, the peculiarities in the operation of the IET-29 type radiator related to the change of the position of the radiating element in the reflector during heating to operating temperatures have been revealed. By means of numerical modeling, using the methodology based on the finite element model of the IET-29 thermal radiator, the conditions under which the peculiarities noted in the course of experimental studies are reproduced have been determined. Experimental studies have confirmed the existence of the theoretically predicted significant dependence of irradiance created by the IET-29 module on the position of the radiator in its reflector.


thermal vacuum testing, thermal flux sensor, infrared radiation module, thermal radiation, vacuum chamber


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