Buntov M. V.*,
Semena N. P.**,
Gamkov D. M.***,
Serbinov D. V.****,
Pristash A. M.*****,
Lipilin V. A.******,
Gurova E. B.*******
Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences , 84/32, Profsoyuznaya str, Moscow, 117997, Russia
*e-mail: buntov@cosmos.ru
**e-mail: semena@cosmos.ru
***e-mail: danila_gamkov@cosmos.ru
****e-mail: serbinov@cosmos.ru
*****e-mail: pristash1973@mail.ru
******e-mail: lipilin@cosmos.ru
*******e-mail: egurova@cosmos.ru
A decentralized active thermal control system for a spacecraft (ATCS), consisting of selfregulating heating elements (SRHE), is presented. This system, in comparison with the classical centralized system with a single control unit, has higher reliability due to the distribution of the function of controlling the thermal mode of the thermal stabilization object over many independent elements. The inverse proportionality between the heat generated by the SRHE and its temperature, necessary for selfregulation, is provided by the thermal and electrical connection of two transistors - a temperature meter and a heat flow generator. Thermal mathematical and experimental modeling of a three-element decentralized ATCS based on the SRHE demonstrated the performance of the system under different variable thermal conditions and the correctness of the mathematical model proposed to describe the thermal
state of such a system.
proportional controller, thermal systems with feedback, thermal mathematical modeling, thermophysical experiment, spacecraft thermal control
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