Study of acoustic and resonant phenomena in steam-generating systems of marine nuclear power plant


Mitrofanova O. V.*, Starovoitov N. A.**

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russia



The work is devoted to the study of the influence of transient flow regimes in pipe systems of marine nuclear power plants (NPP) on the excitation of acoustic oscillations leading to resnance effects accompanied by the phenomenon of flow limitation corresponding to the swirling flow crisis. The designs of modern NPPs with block and integral layouts are considered. Numerical modeling examples show that conditions for the formation of large-scale vortex formations may arise in some sections of the thermal-hydraulic tract of marine NPPs. The experimental studies performed allowed us to identify the conditions for the development of resonance effects during vortex generation of acoustic oscillations in the frequency range of acoustic standing waves (ASW). It is shown that the maximum flow rate of the medium corresponds to the condition for the implementation of the swirling flow crisis mode and is the main parameter determining the development of resonance phenomena


Marine nuclear power plants, hydrodynamics, vortex structures, swirling flow crisis, physical and mathematical modeling, experimental studies, acoustic oscillations, acoustic standing waves, resonance effects


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