With turbojet engine thrust reduction, its small size begins affecting the effectiveness on its elements. Lower airflow rate results in blades size decrease and relative radial clearance increase. It affects the efficiency of axial turbo-machines. Due to this, radial and centrifugal turbo-machines become more effective at small thrust values. The main goal of this study consists in determining the most effective structural scheme of a turbojet engine for the thrust range from 0.1 kN to 100 kN. The problem was solved by performing the engine multi-criteria optimization employing ASTRA CAD, developed in Samara National Research University. The total weight of a power plant and fuel, as well as specific fuel consumption were selected as performance criteria. The optimized variables are the gas temperature prior to the turbine, and total pressure ratio. According to the optimization results the following inferences were drawn. With optimization of the engines with the thrust, lower than 25 kN, corrections on their small-size should be accounted for. With the engine thrust decrease, the optimal parameters of the working process are decreasing either, and the regions of compromises are contracting. The axial compressor is optimal for the thrust of 7 kN and higher, and with thrust decrease up to 1.3 kN, compressor of axial-centrifugal type becomes more appropriate. The axial turbine is effective up to 0.7 kN thrust value, and radial turbine is effective for small engines with lower thrust.
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