The article deals with the flight thrust determining method of a bypass engine with flows mixing in the presence of a non-uniform total pressure field at its inlet. The non-uniformity impact is taken into account for both air consumption due conventionally averaged total pressure at the inlet, and the specific thrust due to the overall pressure level reduction along the engine passage, and, respectively, the available differential pressure in the jet nozzle.
Earlier, the authors developed and patented the engine thrust determining method allowing evaluate its thrust while in flight under condition of the uniform flow at its inlet according to the measured operating conditions and external environment parameters. The presented work extends this simplified engineering method to the real case of a non-uniform total pressure field at the engine inlet. Moreover, it employs corrected values of the total pressure along the engine passage to compute the thrust.
Thus obtained, the value of the flight thrust can be used in both automated control system for its possible in-flight correction, such as partial or full flight thrust value restoration, and the complex engine diagnostics system to evaluate its deterioration rate and deterioration in performance of its separate parts and elements.
Calculated evaluations performed according the developed method with account for typical input total pressure non-uniformity revealed that the expected thrust fall will be of 8.9%, with about 8% herewith due to the air consumption reduction, and the rest is due to specific thrust decrease.
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