Spectrozonal method for detection and optimal control of low-altitude rockets through the exhaust plume of a solid jet engine

Aeronautical and Space-Rocket Engineering

Control and testing of flying vehicles and their systems


Abdulov R. N.1*, Asadov H. G.2**

1. Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense Industry of Azerbaijan Republic, 25, Rahib Mammadov str., Baku, AZ1123, Republic of Azerbaijan
2. Scientific and Research Institute of Aerospace Informatics, 159, Azadlig ave., Baku, AZ1106, Azerbaijan

*e-mail: Rauf.abdulov@mail.ru
**e-mail: asadzade@rambler.ru


The problem of detection and control of rockets' launching and flying is topical from the viewpoint of functioning safety of various ground and aerial objects of both military and general assignment. At present, significant attention is paid to identification and tracking optimization of low-speed point objects' of various purposes. A method for spectrozonal detection and control of low-altitude rockets through the exhaust plume of a solid jet engine was developed and theoretically confirmed. The authors formulated new spectrozonal features for detection of launched low-altitude rockets, based on the well-known experimental results related to the study of spectral emission of rocket engines plume. To detect and control the low-altitude rockets a new spectrozonal feature, possessing experimental property useful for applying for on both axial and radial directions was formulated. The issues of identification optimization of low-speed low-altitude point objects under variable atmospheric conditions were also considered. The general mathematical problem of optimization of the entire cycle of optimization was formulated and solved. Its gist consists in achieving the maximum possible value of the averaged signal received from the object by the infrared identifier, through the accepted model of variation of atmosphere optical thickness. The article demonstrates that as applied to subsonic flying objects, such as cruise missiles, it is necessary to ensure direct proportion between atmosphere optical thickness and a certain time index. It should be considered herein that the minute scale of atmosphere optical density can be easily controlled, and it presents the result of rapid weather conditions changes due to natural or anthropogenic factors. A certain increase of the value of the functional, obtained by the performed optimization, can be interpreted as a possibility of a certain shift of the total time interval to the left. On this basis, the solution of the formulated optimization problem points to the possibility of realization of the much safe mode of an object detection and identification under revealed.

Some increase of accepted target functional caused by carried out optimization can be interpreted as possibility for some shift of whole time interval to left. Solution of formulated optimization task indicates the possibility of for safe regime for detection and identification of object upon revealed advantageous atmospheric conditions.


spectroradiometer, solid fuel, detection, ultraviolet radiation, engine, spectrozonal method


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