This article subject of research are electrically conducting polymer compounds based on epoxy binder with non-covalently modified carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Such compounds can be applied as binders to create hybrid functional polymer composites. Fluoro-organo-silicon block copolymer was used as CNTs' modifier, which is organically compatible with epoxy olygomers. It allows regulate the interaction of the modifier with polymer matrix and study the nano-composite's functional properties under various distribution of the carbon tubes.
The goal of this research consists in developing a method to control electrical conductivity of polymer nano-composites by controlling the spatial distribution of CNTs in the bulk of the binder under development to create hybrid polymer composite materials with functional properties.
In the course of this work execution the experimental research on the development of a method of preparation of electrically conducting binder based on epoxy resin and non-covalently modified CNTs. Measurements of electric conductivity of hardened composition were performed. Since the non-uniformity of the CNTs' distribution over the nano-composite surface does not allow determine the value of the surface resistance with adequate accuracy by contact methods of conductivity measuring, the non-contact method was used based on measuring the electromagnetic wave reflection coefficient within the range of 20-35 GHz. The authors measured also the viscosity of the binder and determined the spatial distribution of nano-particles in the bulk of composition by scanning electronic microscopy and determination of element composition.
The effect of the modifier concentration on electrical conductivity and rheological properties of the binder was studied. It was established that the modifier concentration variation allows regulate electric conductivity of nano-composite and viscosity of modified binders under the constant concentration of CNTs. In the course of this work we obtained the values of electric conductivity of about 7.3 S/m with the viscosity of the developed binder comparable to the basic binder.
The results of the study allow solve technological problem of decreasing the viscosity of epoxy binder modified by carbon nano-particles, to produce electrically conducting hybrid polymer composite materials under conductivity preserving.
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