The article presents specifics of orders formation depending on their basic characteristics.
The presented work discloses the fact that at present the system of orders formation and realization process is of paramount importance. This is important so that the orders themselves should be dealt with in the context of their life cycle. The orders can be split between each other according to such parameters as volume, liability distribution while their fulfilment, delivery periods and formation method. The process of the order commissioning or the order lifecycle can be conditionally split into certain stages. The life cycle stages would differ from each other for various types of the order commissioning. Therefore, one should have an idea of an order life cycle specifics for various types to minimize the error occurrence probability in strategy selection, and, as a result, minimize the probability of financial losses risk occurrence.
The article consists of three main parts, namely, introduction, the gist of the work and conclusions. It presents the description of various stages specifics, and determines the relationship of the enterprises activities marketing component and the logistic one. An algorithm for the order maintenance was developed, and efficiency evaluation technique is presented for one of the order types.
Finally, the authors describe the orders formation technique through the Internet media and its efficiency evaluation tool. The article presents the basic technologies for the delivery of the order, best suited to the market demands.
Eventually, it is worth noting that companies should master orders fulfilment and maintenance methods through Internet medium, since at present this is the prospective trend of development. Besides, these methods are fast and economically sound as well.
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