Possibilities of sustainable social-economic development of the northern territories


Luk'yanova A. A.1*, Kononova E. S.1**, Belyakova E. V.2, Smorodinova N. I.2

1. Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astaf'ev, 89, A. Lebedeva str., Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russia
2. Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after academician M.F. Reshetnev, 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy av., Krasnoyarsk, 660014, Russia

*e-mail: aaluk110@mail.ru
**e-mail: elkask@rambler.ru


At present, the problems of sustainable development of socio-economic systems of various levels are in the sphere of close attention of Russian and foreign scientists.

The goal of the article consists in considering the possibilities of sustainable development of the northern territories, which have pronounced specific features. To clarify the concept of sustainable development of the northern territories, the article reveals limitations in the use of their resource potential, namely: high level of production costs, high vulnerability of the natural environment, preservation of the traditional way of life and the need to improve the quality of life of indigenous small peoples.

Based on the revealed limitations, the article formulates the principles on which the sustainable social and economic development of the northern territories should be based, the priority role of which is assigned to the implementation of the latest technologies to ensure high quality of life for the population and improve the ecological situation.

Remoteness of the Northern Territories from large settlements, its difficult climatic conditions, and the poor development of land infrastructure predetermine the high importance of air communication for the sustainable social and economic development of the North. Thus, the latest technologies used for the development of the Northern Territories can be concentrated in this area.

The article analyzes the experience of Canada and Alaska in the development of air communication. These areas were selected for analysis due to fact that natural and climatic conditions, labor endowment provision level, the distance from the economically developed regions allow establish certain similarity of these territories with the territories of the North of Russia.

Based on the performed analysis of international experience, the article suggests the following opportunities for using modern aviation and space technologies to ensure sustainable social and economic development of northern territories:

– Development of hub airports, as well as regional and local air transportation, supposing inclusion of regional and local airports into nodical structure of air transportation servicing;

– Implementation of unmanned aircraft for the delivery of goods;

– Implementation of high- capacity space communication vehicles to create a broadband satellite communication network;

– Remote sensing of the earth surface for natural resources development while meeting the requirement to preserve the unique ecosystem of the North.

The considered technologies are quite expensive and require significant investments in research and development. In this regard, the opportunities for sustainable socio-economic development of the northern territories are closely associated with the role of the state in socio-economic development.

The article concludes that the formation of an effective system of interaction of federal and regional authorities, business and indigenous people, the optimal combination of market mechanisms and public administration tools will ensure the implementation of opportunities for sustainable social and economic development of the northern territories and level the specifics of these territories that complicate this process.


sustainable development, social and economic development, northern territories, industry, natural capital, air transportation, unmanned vehicles, remote sensing of the earth


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