Thermal shock and dynamic thermoelasticity on the basis of the hyperbolic type equations


Kartashov E. M.1*, Nenakhov E. V.2**

1. MIREA — Russian Technological University (Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies), 78, Vernadsky prospect, Moscow, 119454, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The theory of dynamic thermoelasticity in the problem of thermal shock is developed on the basis of Maxwell–Cattaneo–Lykov–Vernot phenomenology on the finite velocity of heat propagation in solids. A compatibility equation in stresses is proposed that generalizes the Beltrami–Mitchell relation to dynamic problems and as a special case of the investigational thermal reaction of a massive solid body to a non-thermal shock. Different modes of sudden training of the body spray were studied: temperature, thermal, environment. The most dangerous mode of thermal influence is revealed; stress jumps at the front of a thermoelastic wave are calculated, as ratios that have great practical importance in the evaluation of thermal strength of solid body under thermal shock conditions.


heat stroke, the final velocity of heat propagation, dynamic thermoelastic stresses, stress jumps


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