The article suggests a mathematical model of a temperature field forming in a system, imitated by a wall dividing two different media with anisotropic covering of one of its surfaces, subjected to the local thermal impact in conditions of heat exchange with ambient environment. It is demonstrated, that the temperature field of the system under study represents the sum of the two independent additive components. An analytical solution for the first of the additive components of the temperature field, formed due only to the difference in temperature of the divided environments from the reference temperature of the dividing system, was obtained with special ly developed finite integral transformation. The second independent additive component of the temperature field of dividing system formed by the impact of a heat flux on its anisotropic covering at equality of reference temperature of an object under study and temperatures of the divided environments is identified. Solution of the corresponding problem of non-stationary thermal conductivity in analytically closed form was obtained applying integral transformations method. The obtained results confirm the earlier found effect of the temperature field “suppression” in anisotropic material with properties anisotropy of the general type.
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