The problem of thermal shock of a solid is studied on the basis of the model of dynamic thermoelasticity. A brief scheme for deriving the compatibility equation in voltages for dynamic problems is proposed, which generalizes the well-known Beltrami-Mitchell relation for quasistatic cases. The proposed relation is convenient for considering numerous special cases in the theory of thermal shock in Cartesian coordinates for both restricted bodies of canonical form and partially limited ones. In the latter case, the obtained analytical solutions of the dynamic problems of the theory of thermal shock lead to visual and convenient for physical analysis functional structures describing the kinetics of thermal stresses.
As for the cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems, for these cases a “compatibility equation” in displacements was proposed, convenient for studying the problem of thermal shock in bodies with a radial heat flow and central symmetry. The class of problems in which the consideration of the geometrical dimensions of the structure investigated for a thermomechanical reaction under conditions of intense heating is mainly concerned with the near-surface layers is highlighted. As the experiments show, it is these layers that absorb the main amount of heat during a time close to the beginning of heating, corresponding to microsecond duration times during which inertial effects are active. The thermal reaction of a massive body when it is heated by a nonstationary heat flux of an exponential and linear type, as well as under the action of an internal heat source – practically important cases in the theory of thermal strength is investigated. Numerical experiments were carried out and the wave nature of the propagation of thermoelastic waves was described. The effect of material relaxation on sudden heating and sudden cooling of its boundary, which has been little studied in thermomechanics, is described. The dependence of the maximum internal temperature stress on the parameters characterizing the elastic and thermophysical properties of materials, as well as the heating time and cooling time, is established.
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