Due to the pertinence of theoretical and applied studies of self-similar processes of heat
transfer in solids, a problem of determining of non-stationary temperature field of anisotropic
half-subspace, which movable boundary is subjected to a heat impact in conditions of heat exchange
with external environment, was formulated. It was found, that unlike the well-known
self-similar heat transfer processes in isotropic solids, to which the temperature field forming
processes in oil stratums while water flooding in conditions of naphtha frontal driving by water
might be referred to in particular, the use of two, instead of one, self-similar variables is required
while studying heat transfer self-similar process for the situation under consideration.
The first self-similar variable defines the analyzed heat transfer process in the plane, parallel to
the moving boundary of an anisotropic half-subspace, and the second one in the direction of its
external normal. Representation of mathematical model of the formulated problem of heat transfer
in anisotropic half-subspace with moving boundary employing two self-similar variables allows
understanding that realizability of self-similar process of heat transfer in the situation under
consideration is associated with fulfillment of the quite certain conditions. These conditions
define completely and unambiguously the law of movement of the boundary of the subject under
study, as well as the structure of the thermal flow affecting it, and a heat transfer mode
being realized in the studied system «anisotropic half-subspace—external environment», i.e.
functional dependence of Bio’s number (which is criterion of convective-conductive similarity)
on spatial and time variables. It was substantiated theoretically, that in the heat transfer process
being analyzed, self-similar structures of both external heat flow and heat transfer mode being
realized are of the same kind, and functionally dependent on thermal homochronoucity criterion,
i.e. Fourier number.
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