Stress-strain state of arbitrary shells with account for thermoelectric impact based on refined theory


Firsanov V. V.*, Nguyen L. H.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article regards the study of the stress-strain state of thin-walled elements such as plates and shells of arbitrary geometric shapes. The shell stress-strain state depends on various exter- nal factors. Besides mechanical loads, shells can be affected by thermal process. For certain classes of materials with the polarization property and piezoelectric effect, the electric field im- pact substantially affects the stress-strain state of the shell. The presented article considers the stress-strain state of arbitrary shells under the action of mechanical and electrical loads, and temperatures. A refined theory, based on the equations of the three-dimensional elasticity theo- ry, is employed for mathematical modelling of the joint problem of thermo-electro-elasticity of shells. The sought shells displacements are being represented as polynomials on the normal to the median surface coordinate two degrees higher, compared to the classical theory of the Kirchhoff-Love type. Heating and electrical impacts will result in extra deformations occur- rence, stipulated by all-around thermal expansion and field of intensity. These deformations are being superimposed on the elastic ones and accounted for while solving the problem of stress- strain state of shells. The system of basic equations of equilibrium of the shells' thermo-electro- elasticity and corresponding boundary conditions are obtained by minimizing the total energy of the shell, based on Lagrange variation principle. The article presents the example of the stress- strain state computing of cylindrical shells, rigidly clamped at the edges under various loading options. The solution of the boundary value problem is based on the Laplace transform and the matrix sweep method.


stress-strain state, thermoelectroelasticity, electric action, shell of rotation, tem- perature effect, variational Lagrange principle, Laplace transform.


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