Determining critical temperatures of the gently sloping cylindrical shells stability loss


Grigoriev P. S.1, 2*, Bespalco S. V.2**, Goncharov V. V.1***

1. Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia
2. Russian University of Transport (RUT (MIIT)), Moscow, 127994, Russia



The article considers an approach to determining the critical temperatures level of stability loss of gently sloping cylindrical shells. The proposed approach is based on the resolving equations of the gently sloping cylindrical shells proposed by V.Z. Vlasov. The authors use the option presented by the L.G. Donnel equation. The forces caused by thermal expansion are used as the loading being applied structure. The obtained differential equation solution was performed using double trigonometric series by the method of the Bubnov‒Galerkin approximate solution of the boundary value problem for differential equations. Values of critical temperatures, at which a stability loss of the considered structure occurs, were obtained. The impact of various model parameters on the levels of the obtained temperatures was evaluated. The main inferences were drawn. The solution quality is being evaluated by comparing with the results obtained by the finite elelment method.


gently sloping shells, stability loss, variation method, temperature stresses, Bubnov‒Galerkin method, critical loads


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