Thermal mode of a metal-composite hydrogen balloon being cooled while filling process


Zarubin V. S.1*, Zarubin S. V.1**, Zimin V. N.1***, Osadchiy Y. G.2****

1. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia
2. ZAO NPP “MASHTEST”, Korolev, Moscow region, 141070, Russia



Hydrogen is an environmentally friendly energy carrier. Its consumption at power plants does not lead to harmful emissions into the atmosphere and is promising in many areas of technology, including various types of transport. With that, gaseous hydrogen application requires solving a number of technical problems due to its low density. They are associated with the need to create high-pressure balloons of significant volume and mass and ensure their filling until the regimented hydrogen density in such cylinders is reached. Intensive energy release occurs while metal-composite balloon filling with hydrogen. This energy removal through the layer reinforcing the balloon shell is insignificant due to low thermal conductivity of the composite. It leads to substantial hydrogen temperature rise while the cylinder filling. Even with the hydrogen precooling application to the temperature of 233 K, its temperature in the balloon while filling in the course of three to five minutes is close to the set limit of 358 K. Eventually, at reaching the regimented maximum hydrogen pressure of 70 MPa, its density and respectively mass in the filled balloon appears notably lower than the regimented one. To increase density and the mass of the hydrogen stored in the metal-composite balloon, its cooling can be performed directly in the balloon cavity, such as application of a coil placed in this cavity with water flowing in it. The hydrogen temperature herewith may be reduced to approximately the level of the average water temperature in the coil. This technique allows avoiding hydrogen precooling prior to its entering the balloon, and ensuring the hydrogen regimented density level achieving of 40 kg/m3 while the balloon filling at a maximum pressure of 70 MPa. It should be noted that placing the cooling system in the form of a coil and/or a set of tubes directly in the balloon cavity causes utterly uneven heating of the cylinder metal-composite shell. The wall temperature of the metal liner directly contacting with hydrogen significantly exceeds the temperature of the reinforcing layer of the composite in the first period of the balloon filling. This leads to a large difference in temperature deformations in the liner and the reinforcing layer. As the result, compressive stresses occur in the liner wall, exceeding the absolute value of the liner material yield stress. Such liner wall loading repetition at every balloon filling causes fatigue damages accumulation in its material, reducing the balloon service life. From the viewpoint of the balloon manufacturing technology and ease of its placement on a vehicle a cylindrical shape balloon has certain advantages. It is practical to place the cooling system in such balloon outside the balloon cavity in the form of the aggregate of longitudinal ducts, milled in the liner in the direction of the shell forming them. A similar system is employed for cooling the inner wall of the combustion chamber of a liquid propellant rocket engine. In the presence of fin assembly, the cooling surface significantly increases. This enhances additionally the efficiency of the cooling system and allows considering the possibility of employing a balloon of a larger capacity. Besides, no great liner and reinforcing layer temperature difference occurs, which downgrades the risk of fatigue damages accumulation in the liner material. The presented work substantiates the possibility of achieving the regimented hydrogen density in the balloon as the result of its filling by numerical modeling of the metal-composite hydrogen balloon of a cylindrical shape with the liner water-cooling.


metal-composite cylindrical balloon, balloon filling with hydrogen, hydrogen cooling in the balloon, mathematical model of the balloon thermal mode


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