Thermophysical substantiation of the type of solvent of technical paraffin and the rational method of convective concentration of the resulting solution in order to create a food paraffin substance


Maryisheva M. A.*, Nugmanov A. K.**, Aleksanian I. Y.***, Maksimenko Y. A.****

Astrakhan State Technical University,



For film structures used for the production of biodegradable packaging materials and being hydrophilic in nature, their paraffinization will reduce the influence of external factors, primarily moisture. In the production of moisture-repellent compositions, much attention is paid to the quality of the final food paraffin, where one of its important safety indicators is the absence of carcinogenic aromatic hydrocarbons in it. The aim of the study was the development of an original waxing technology, by choosing a rational solvent for paraffin products from asphalt-resin-parffin deposits and regime and thermal parameters of convective concentration of the resulting solution for the production of edible paraffin. Unconditionally determining when choosing rational modes of convective preconcentration of a hexane solution continuously in contact with a moving film are the conditions for the exchange of thermal energy and matter at the boundary between the coolant and the surface of the packaging product. We note that from the physical and mathematical points of view, the conditions for such an exchange depend on the hydrodynamic regime of convective heat transfer and, in particular, on the heat transfer coefficient. As a result of the research, an original waxing technology was recommended, a rational solvent n-hexane was chosen for the studied paraffin, as well as regime and thermal parameters of the convective concentration of the resulting solution for the production of food paraffin.


hexane-paraffin mixture, water-repellent coating, paraffinization, food paraffin, asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits, convective concentration, heat transfer coefficient


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